PC Gamer (Italian) 47
PC Gamer IT CD 47 2-2.iso
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INI File
1,415 lines
;///////////// P R E F E R E N C E D I A L O G D A T A ////////
standardBack = /bmp/Pref/Pref_Background .bmp
rect = 13, 62, 609, 417
;///////////// B U T T O N S D A T A ////////////////////////
tip = DefaultButtonTip
rect = 21,417,103,436
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/Default_BT.bmp, 0, 0, 100, 19
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/Default_BT.bmp, 0, 21, 100, 40
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/Default_BT.bmp, 0, 0, 100, 22
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/DDefault_BT.bmp, 0, 69, 100, 91
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/Default_BT.bmp, 0, 92, 100, 115
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/Default_BT.bmp, 0, 0, 100, 19
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/Default_BT.bmp, 0, 21, 100, 40
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/Pref/Default_BT.bmp, 0, 42, 100, 61
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/Pref/Default_BT.bmp, 0, 63, 100, 82
wavDown= 2
text = Reset The Current Tab To Its Default Settings
tip = OkButtonTip
rect = 459,424,530,447
bmpUp = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 0, 143, 23
bmpDown = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 72, 143, 95
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 0, 143, 23
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 0, 143, 23
bmpDisUp = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 96, 143, 119
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 0, 143, 23
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 24, 143, 47
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 48, 143, 71
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 72, 72, 143, 95
wavDown= 2
text = Close The Preferences Window, Accepting All Changes
tip = CancelAdvButtonTip
rect = 531,424,602,447
bmpUp = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 0, 215, 23
bmpDown = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 72, 215, 95
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 0, 215, 23
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 72, 215, 95
bmpDisUp = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 96, 215, 119
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 0, 215, 23
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 24, 215, 47
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 48, 215, 71
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/General/DialogueButtons.bmp, 144, 72, 215, 95
wavDown= 2
text = Close The Preferences Window Without Accepting Any Changes
tip = CloseButtonTip
rect = 593, 2, 615, 24
bmpUp = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 0, 22, 22
bmpDown = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 69, 22, 91
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 0, 22, 22
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 69, 22, 91
bmpDisUp = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 92, 22, 114
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 0, 22, 22
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 23, 22, 45
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 46, 22, 68
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/general/close_button.bmp, 0, 69, 22, 91
wavDown= 2
text = Close
;///////////// C A T E G O R I E S D A T A ////////////
rect = 13, 31, 609, 62
Total = 5
bmpImage1 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 0, 596, 31
bmpImage2 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 32, 596, 63
bmpImage3 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 64, 596, 95
bmpImage4 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 96, 596, 127
bmpImage5 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 128, 596, 159
bmpMask1 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 160, 596, 191
bmpMask2 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 192, 596, 223
bmpMask3 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 224, 596, 255
bmpMask4 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 256, 596, 287
bmpMask5 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabs.bmp, 0, 288, 596, 319
TipText1 = Display Graphics Preferences
TipText2 = Display Sound Preferences
TipText3 = Display Game Controls Preferences
TipText4 = Display Keyboard Preferences
TipText5 = Display Gameplay Preferences
rect = 13, 31, 609, 62
Total = 4
bmpImage1 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabsDisable.bmp, 0, 0, 596, 31
bmpImage2 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabsDisable.bmp, 0, 32, 596, 63
bmpImage3 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabsDisable.bmp, 0, 64, 596, 95
bmpImage4 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabsDisable.bmp, 0, 96, 596, 127
bmpMask1 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabsDisable.bmp, 0, 160, 596, 191
bmpMask2 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabsDisable.bmp, 0, 192, 596, 223
bmpMask3 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabsDisable.bmp, 0, 224, 596, 255
bmpMask4 = /bmp/Pref/PrefTabsDisable.bmp, 0, 256, 596, 287
;///////////// G R A P H I C S S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A ///////
bmp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp
rect = 120, 39, 574, 333
rect = 18, 39, 120, 333
Total = 4
bmpImage1 = /bmp/Pref/Graphics/PrefGraphicsTabs.bmp, 0, 0, 102, 294
bmpImage2 = /bmp/Pref/Graphics/PrefGraphicsTabs.bmp, 103, 0, 205, 294
bmpImage3 = /bmp/Pref/Graphics/PrefGraphicsTabs.bmp, 206, 0, 308, 294
bmpImage4 = /bmp/Pref/Graphics/PrefGraphicsTabs.bmp, 309, 0, 411, 294
bmpMask1 = /bmp/Pref/Graphics/PrefGraphicsTabs.bmp, 0, 298, 102, 590
bmpMask2 = /bmp/Pref/Graphics/PrefGraphicsTabs.bmp, 103, 298, 205, 590
bmpMask3 = /bmp/Pref/Graphics/PrefGraphicsTabs.bmp, 206, 298, 308, 590
bmpMask4 = /bmp/Pref/Graphics/PrefGraphicsTabs.bmp, 309, 298, 411, 590
;/// R A D I O B U T T O N S
tip = RadioLowTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 117, 8, 160, 28
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 117, 8, 160, 28
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 121, 8, 164, 28
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 117, 8, 160, 28
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 121, 8, 164, 28
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 121, 8, 164, 28
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 121, 8, 164, 28
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 117, 8, 160, 28
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 121, 8, 164, 28
text = Minimize Graphic Detail
tip = RadioMediumTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 174, 8, 242, 28
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 174, 8, 242, 28
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 178, 8, 246, 28
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 174, 8, 242, 28
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 178, 8, 246, 28
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 178, 8, 246, 28
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 178, 8, 246, 28
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 174, 8, 242, 28
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 178, 8, 246, 28
text = Medium Graphic Detail
tip = RadioHighTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 257, 8, 307, 28
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 257, 8, 307, 28
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 261, 8, 311, 28
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 257, 8, 307, 28
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 261, 8, 311, 28
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 261, 8, 311, 28
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 261, 8, 311, 28
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 257, 8, 307, 28
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 261, 8, 311, 28
text = Maximize Graphic Detail
tip = RadioExtraTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 322, 8, 513, 28
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 322, 8, 513, 28
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 326, 8, 517, 28
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 322, 8, 513, 28
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 326, 8, 517, 28
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 326, 8, 517, 28
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 326, 8, 517, 28
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 322, 8, 513, 28
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 326, 8, 517, 28
text = Select Settings Specific To An Intel PentiumTM III
tip = RadioCustomTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 517, 8, 579, 28
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 517, 8, 579, 28
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 521, 8, 583, 28
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 517, 8, 579, 28
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 521, 8, 583, 28
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 521, 8, 583, 28
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGDisable.bmp, 521, 8, 583, 28
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBG.bmp, 517, 8, 579, 28
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsBGChecked.bmp, 521, 8, 583, 28
text = Set Individual Graphics Settings
;///////////// G R A P H I C S - D I S P L A Y S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A ///
bmp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsDisplay_Main.bmp
;///////// D I S P L A Y R E S O L U T I O N C O M B O B O X D A T A
tip = ResolutionsComboBoxTip
rect = 232, 31, 429, 47
rectItem = 0, 0, 181, 15
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 0, 0, 197, 16
ListBox = ResListBox
;Edit = ResolutionEdit
Button = ResDropButton
ShadowText = 0
Text = Choose A Resolution For Interface Screens
style = drop
rect = 0, 0, 197, 68
rectItems = 0, 3, 196, 67
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 0, 100, 197, 168
;font =
colorText = 45, 50, 44
colorHighlightedText = 45, 50, 44
ShadowText = 0
ScrollBar = ResScrollBar
;style = right
point = 196, 1
length = 65
style = right
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 600
bmpHiliBack = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 600
bmpSliderLeft =
bmpSliderLeftMask =
bmpSliderCenter = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 16, 12, 31, 24
bmpSliderCenterMask =
bmpSliderRight =
bmpSliderRightMask =
marginLT = 11
marginRB = 11
LeftTopButton = ResUpButton
RightBottomButton = ResDownButton
rect = 0, 0, 15, 10
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 0, 49, 10
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 0, 97, 10
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 0, 49, 10
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 0, 97, 10
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 0, 49, 10
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 0, 97, 10
bmpHotZone =
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 0, 49, 10
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 51, 0, 65, 10
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 67, 0, 81, 10
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 0, 97, 10
rect = 0, 0, 15, 10
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 590, 49, 604
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 51, 590, 65, 604
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 590, 49, 604
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 590, 97, 604
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 590, 49, 604
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 590, 97, 604
bmpHotZone =
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 590, 49, 604
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 51, 590, 65, 604
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 67, 590, 81, 604
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 590, 97, 604
rect = 176, 0, 197, 16
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 176, 0, 197, 16
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 176, 17, 197, 33
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 176, 0, 197, 16
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 176, 0, 197, 16
bmpNormal = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 0, 51, 196, 67
bmpHighlighted = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 0, 34, 196, 50
bmpSelected = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PullDown.bmp, 0, 34, 196, 50
marginL = 10
colorText = 43, 51, 49
colorHighlightedText = 45, 50, 44
ShadowText = 0
;///////////// G R A P H I C S - T E R R A I N S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A ///
bmp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_Main.bmp
;/// G R A P H I C S S L I D E B A R S ( S C R O L L S )
tip = TerrainTip
rect = 233, 32, 428, 46
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_Main.bmp, 233, 32, 428, 46
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar.bmp, 0, 0, 195, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 4
;highAvailableBound = 4
text = Set The Sharpness And Detail Of The Terrain Texture
tip = TerrainComplexityTip
rect = 233, 72, 428, 86
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_Main.bmp, 233, 72, 428, 86
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar.bmp, 0, 0, 195, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 5
;highAvailableBound = 5
text = Set The Complexity Of The Actual Terrain Features
tip = MultitextureTip
rect = 15, 146, 170, 161
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 170, 161
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 170, 161
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 170, 161
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 170, 161
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 146, 170, 161
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 146, 170, 161
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 170, 161
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsTerrain_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 170, 161
text = Check for Higher Level Of Terrain Texture (For Higher Flight Speed Sense)
;///////////// G R A P H I C S - O B J E C T S S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A ///
bmp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp
tip = ObjectDetailTip
rect = 233, 32, 428, 46
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp, 233, 32, 428, 46
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar.bmp, 0, 0, 254, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 3
;highAvailableBound = 3
text = Set Level Of Objects Detail
tip = ObjectDensityTip
rect = 233, 72, 428, 86
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp, 233, 72, 428, 86
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar.bmp, 0, 0, 254, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 3
;highAvailableBound = 3
text = Set how many non-mission element objects populate the mission world
tip = ExternalLoadoutTip
rect = 15, 146, 150, 161
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 150, 161
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 150, 161
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 150, 161
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 150, 161
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 146, 150, 161
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 146, 150, 161
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 150, 161
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 150, 161
Text = Check To Display All AircraftÆs External Stores
tip = MipMapTip
rect = 15, 188, 144, 203
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp, 15, 188, 144, 203
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 188, 144, 203
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp, 15, 188, 144, 203
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 188, 144, 203
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 188, 144, 203
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 188, 144, 203
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_Main.bmp, 15, 188, 144, 203
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsObjects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 188, 144, 203
Text = Check To Decreases Object Resolution And Detail As The Object Gets Further Away
;///////////// G R A P H I C S - E F F E C T S S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A ///
bmp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp
tip = EffectLevelTip
rect = 233, 32, 428, 46
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 233, 32, 428, 46
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar.bmp, 0, 0, 254, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 3
;highAvailableBound = 3
text = Set The Extent Of Graphics Effects
tip = CloudLevelTip
rect = 233, 72, 428, 86
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 233, 72, 428, 86
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar.bmp, 0, 0, 254, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 3
;highAvailableBound = 3
text = Set The Level Of Cloud Detail
tip = ShadowsTip
rect = 15, 146, 88, 161
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 88, 161
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 88, 161
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 88, 161
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 88, 161
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 146, 88, 161
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 146, 88, 161
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 146, 88, 161
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 146, 88, 161
text = Shadows Become Visible
tip = SpecularHighlightTip
rect = 15, 188, 183, 203
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 188, 183, 203
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 188, 183, 203
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 188, 183, 203
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 188, 183, 203
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 188, 183, 203
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 188, 183, 203
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 188, 183, 203
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 188, 183, 203
text = Lighting Effects Cast Light On Nearby Terrain Features
tip = ObjectIlluminationTip
rect = 15, 229, 153, 244
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 229, 153, 244
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 229, 153, 244
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 229, 153, 244
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 229, 153, 244
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 229, 153, 244
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 15, 229, 153, 244
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 15, 229, 153, 244
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 15, 229, 153, 244
text = Lighting Effects Cast Shadows On Nearby Objects
tip = EnvironmentIlluminationTip
rect = 229, 146, 367, 161
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 146, 367, 161
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 146, 367, 161
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 146, 367, 161
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 146, 367, 161
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 229, 146, 367, 161
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 229, 146, 367, 161
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 146, 367, 161
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 146, 367, 161
text = Objects Shine When Lit
tip = BilinearFilteringTip
rect = 229, 188, 354, 204
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 188, 354, 204
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 188, 354, 204
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 188, 354, 204
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 188, 354, 204
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 229, 188, 354, 204
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 229, 188, 354, 204
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 188, 354, 204
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 188, 354, 204
text = Bilinear filtering (Textures smoothness)
tip = TrilinearFilteringTip
rect = 229, 229, 358, 244
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 229, 358, 244
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 229, 358, 244
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 229, 358, 244
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 229, 358, 244
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 229, 229, 358, 244
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainDisable.bmp, 229, 229, 358, 244
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_Main.bmp, 229, 229, 358, 244
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGraphicsEffects_MainChecked.bmp, 229, 229, 358, 244
text = Display Changes Smoothly Between Texture Qualities (For Strong Video Cards)
;///////////// S O U N D S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A ///////
bmp = //bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp
;/// S O U N D C H E C K B O X E S
tip = MuteTip
rect = 40, 82, 94, 97
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 40, 82, 94, 97
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_MainChecked.bmp, 40, 82, 94, 97
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 40, 82, 94, 97
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_MainChecked.bmp, 40, 82, 94, 97
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_MainDisable.bmp, 40, 82, 94, 97
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_MainCheckedDisable.bmp, 40, 82, 94, 97
bmpRegion =
text = Mute All Sounds
tip = DisableProcessingTip
rect = 40, 303, 221, 318
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 40, 303, 221, 318
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_MainChecked.bmp, 40, 303, 221, 318
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 40, 303, 221, 318
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_MainChecked.bmp, 40, 303, 221, 318
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_MainDisable.bmp, 40, 303, 221, 318
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_MainCheckedDisable.bmp, 40, 303, 221, 318
bmpRegion =
text =
;/// S O U N D S L I D E B A R S ( S C R O L L S )
tip = MasterTip
rect = 297, 55, 552, 69
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 297, 55, 552, 69
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar2.bmp, 0, 0, 256, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 100
text = Set The Volume For All Music And Sounds In The Game
tip = MusicTip
rect = 297, 147, 552, 161
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 297, 147, 552, 161
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar2.bmp, 0, 0, 256, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 100
text = Set The Background Music Volume
tip = EngineTip
rect = 297, 187, 552, 201
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 297, 187, 552, 201
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar2.bmp, 0, 0, 256, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 100
text = Set The Volume Of Your AircraftÆs Engine
tip = EffectsTip
rect = 297, 227, 552, 241
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 297, 227, 552, 241
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar2.bmp, 0, 0, 256, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 100
text = Set The Volume Of The Game Sound Effects
tip = SpeechTip
rect = 297, 267, 552, 281
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/sound/PrefSound_Main.bmp, 297, 267, 552, 281
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar2.bmp, 0, 0, 256, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 100
text = Set Volume Of In-Flight Communications
;///////////// D E V I C E S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A //////
bmp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp
;/// F L I G H T R A D I O B U T T O N S
tip = FlightJoystickTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 36, 87, 104, 101
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 36, 87, 104, 101
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 36, 87, 104, 101
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 36, 87, 104, 101
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 36, 87, 104, 101
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 36, 87, 104, 101
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 36, 87, 104, 101
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 36, 87, 104, 101
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 36, 87, 104, 101
text = Set the Joystick As Your Flight Control Device
tip = FlightKeyboardTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 36, 119, 111, 133
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 36, 119, 111, 133
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 36, 119, 111, 133
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 36, 119, 111, 133
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 36, 119, 111, 133
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 336, 119, 111, 133
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 36, 119, 111, 133
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 36, 119, 111, 133
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 36, 119, 111, 133
text = Set the Keyboard As Your Flight Control Device
;/// R U D D E R R A D I O B U T T O N S
tip = RudderPedalsTip
style = radio
groupId = 2
rect = 222, 87, 346, 101
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 222, 87, 346, 101
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 222, 87, 346, 101
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 222, 87, 346, 101
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 222, 87, 346, 101
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 222, 87, 346, 101
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 222, 87, 346, 101
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 222, 87, 346, 101
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 222, 87, 346, 101
text = Set the Pedals/Joystick As Your Rudder Device
tip = RudderKeyboardTip
style = radio
groupId = 2
rect = 222, 119, 299, 133
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 222, 119, 299, 133
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 222, 119, 299, 133
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 222, 119, 299, 133
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 222, 119, 299, 133
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 222, 119, 299, 133
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 222, 119, 299, 133
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 222, 119, 299, 133
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 222, 119, 299, 133
text = Set the Keyboard As Your Rudder Device
;/// T H R O T T L E R A D I O B U T T O N S
tip = ThrottleTip
style = radio
groupId = 3
rect = 408, 87, 544, 102
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 408, 87, 544, 102
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 408, 87, 544, 102
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 408, 87, 544, 102
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 408, 87, 544, 102
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 408, 87, 544, 102
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 408, 87, 544, 102
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 408, 87, 544, 102
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 408, 87, 544, 102
text = Set The Throttle/Joystick As Your Throttle Device
tip = ThrottleKeyboardTip
style = radio
groupId = 3
rect = 408, 119, 486, 133
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 408, 119, 486, 133
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 408, 119, 486, 133
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 408, 119, 486, 133
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 408, 119, 486, 133
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 408, 119, 486, 133
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 408, 119, 486, 133
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 2
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 408, 119, 486, 133
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 408, 119, 486, 133
text = Set The Keyboard As Your Throttle Device
;/// F O R C E F E E D B A C K C H E C K B O X
tip = ForceFeedbackTip
rect = 36, 172, 159, 195
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 36, 172, 159, 195
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 36, 172, 159, 195
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 36, 172, 159, 195
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainChecked.bmp, 36, 172, 159, 195
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisable.bmp, 36, 172, 159, 195
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_MainDisableChecked.bmp, 36, 172, 159, 195
bmpRegion =
text = Turn The Force Feedback Joystick Effects On
;/// D E V I C E S L I D E B A R S ( S C R O L L S )
tip = DeadBandTip
rect = 297, 236, 551, 250
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/device/PrefGameControll_Main.bmp, 297, 236, 551, 249
bmpBackFill = /bmp/Pref/graphics/Bar2.bmp, 0, 0, 256, 14
bmpSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 0, 0, 15, 14
bmpPressedSlider = /bmp/Pref/graphics/slider.bmp, 16, 1, 31, 15
bmpSliderMask =
lowBound = 0
highBound = 100
text = Set The Dead Band Area For The Joystick Movement
;/// D E V I C E B U T T O N S
[ForceFeedbackButton - Not In Use]
tip = ForceFeedbackButtonTip
rect = 18,300,164,326
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 0, 0, 146, 26
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 0, 81, 146, 107
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 0, 0, 146, 26
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 0, 81, 146, 107
bmpDisUp =
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 0, 0, 146, 26
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 0, 27, 146, 53
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 0, 54, 146, 80
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 0, 81, 146, 107
text = Open the force feedback calibration utility.
tip = JoystickButtonTip
rect = 30, 300, 142, 326
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 0, 225, 26
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 81, 225, 107
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 0, 225, 26
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 81, 225, 107
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 108, 225, 134
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 0, 225, 26
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 27, 225, 53
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 54, 225, 80
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/Pref/PrefGamecontrollers_BT.bmp, 113, 81, 225, 107
text = Open The Windows Standard Windows 95/98« Game Controllers calibration window
;///////////// K E Y B O A R D S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A //
Tip = KeyboardWndTip
bmp = /bmp/Pref/keyboard/PrefKeyboard_Main.bmp
offset1 = 152
offset2 = 275
offset3 = 405
text = Highlight A Command You Want To Remap And Press The New Key Or New Joystick Button. Double Click A Voice Command To Type A New Command
bmpNormal = /bmp/Pref/keyboard/Keyboard_Buttons.bmp, 0, 32, 541, 63
bmpHighlighted = /bmp/Pref/keyboard/Keyboard_Buttons.bmp, 0, 32, 541, 63
bmpSelected = /bmp/Pref/keyboard/Keyboard_Buttons.bmp, 0, 0, 541, 31
rectKeyText = 151, 0, 286, 31
rectJoystickText = 286, 0, 389, 31
rectVoiceText = 392, 0, 525, 31
marginL = 5
marginR = 5
marginT = 1
colorText = 43, 51, 49
colorHighlightedText = 45, 50, 44
ShadowText = 0
tip = KeyboardListTip
rect = 26, 75, 566, 324
rectItems = 0, 1, 556, 249
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/keyboard/PrefKeyboard_Main.bmp, 26, 75, 566, 324
;font =
colorText = 0, 0, 128
colorHighlightedText = 128, 128, 128
ScrollBar = KeyScrollBar
text = Highlight A Command You Want To Remap And Press The New Key Or New Joystick Button. Double Click A Voice Command To Type A New Command.
style = right
length = 250
bmpBack = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 0, 0, 14, 600
bmpHiliBack = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 0, 0, 14, 600
bmpSliderLeft =
bmpSliderLeftMask =
bmpSliderCenter = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 16, 12, 30, 28
bmpSliderCenterMask =
bmpSliderRight =
bmpSliderRightMask =
marginLT = 11
marginRB = 10
LeftTopButton = KeyUpButton
RightBottomButton = KeyDownButton
text =
tip = UpButtonTip
style =
rect = 0, 0, 15, 10
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 0, 49, 10
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 0, 97, 10
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 0, 49, 10
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 0, 97, 10
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 0, 49, 10
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 0, 97, 10
bmpHotZone =
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 0, 49, 10
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 51, 0, 65, 10
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 67, 0, 81, 10
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 0, 97, 10
text = This is tip for Scroll Up Button
tip = DownButtonTip
rect = 0, 0, 15, 11
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 590, 49, 604
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 51, 590, 65, 604
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 590, 49, 604
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 590, 97, 604
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 590, 49, 604
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 590, 97, 604
bmpHotZone =
bmpRegion =
animPushTotal = 4
bmpAnimPush1 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 35, 590, 49, 604
bmpAnimPush2 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 51, 590, 65, 604
bmpAnimPush3 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 67, 590, 81, 604
bmpAnimPush4 = /bmp/Pref/VerticalScrollbar.bmp, 83, 590, 97, 604
text = This is tip for Scroll Down Button
;///////////// G A M E P L A Y S E T T I N G S W I N D O W D A T A ///////////////////
bmp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp
;// ScoreRect - rectangle of text 100%, 120% scoring ... relative to upper left corner of Gameplay_Main.bmp
ScoreRect = 466, 312, 571, 329
;ScoreRectInTabs - rectangle of drawn on the background text relative to upper left corner of TAB WINDOW
;// for example PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp
ScoreRectInTabs = 346, 257, 451, 290
;rect = 120, 39, 574, 333
rect = 120, 39, 571, 333
rect = 18, 39, 120, 333
Total = 4
bmpImage1 = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/PrefGameplayTabs.bmp, 0, 0, 102, 294
bmpImage2 = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/PrefGameplayTabs.bmp, 103, 0, 205, 294
bmpImage3 = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/PrefGameplayTabs.bmp, 206, 0, 308, 294
bmpImage4 = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/PrefGameplayTabs.bmp, 309, 0, 411, 294
bmpMask1 = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/PrefGameplayTabs.bmp, 0, 298, 102, 590
bmpMask2 = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/PrefGameplayTabs.bmp, 103, 298, 205, 590
bmpMask3 = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/PrefGameplayTabs.bmp, 206, 298, 308, 590
bmpMask4 = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/PrefGameplayTabs.bmp, 309, 298, 411, 590
;/// R A D I O B U T T O N S
tip = RadioCheatTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 117, 7, 177, 30
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 117, 7, 177, 30
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 117, 7, 177, 30
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 117, 7, 177, 30
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 117, 7, 177, 30
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 117, 7, 177, 30
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 117, 7, 177, 30
bmpRegion =
text = Set Player Skill Requirements And Enemy AI To Their Lowest Levels And Activate Cheats
tip = RadioEasyTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 206, 7, 258, 30
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 206, 7, 258, 30
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 206, 7, 258, 30
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 206, 7, 258, 30
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 206, 7, 258, 30
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 206, 7, 258, 30
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 206, 7, 258, 30
bmpRegion =
text = Set Player Skill Requirements And Enemy AI To Their Lowest Levels, But Do Not Activate Cheats
tip = RadioNormalTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 288, 7, 356, 30
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 288, 7, 356, 30
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 288, 7, 356, 30
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 288, 7, 356, 30
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 288, 7, 356, 30
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 288, 7, 356, 30
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 288, 7, 356, 30
bmpRegion =
text = Set Player Skill Requirements And Enemy AI To Medium Levels
tip = RadioRealisticTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 370, 7, 448, 30
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 370, 7, 448, 30
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 370, 7, 448, 30
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 370, 7, 448, 30
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 370, 7, 448, 30
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 370, 7, 448, 30
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 370, 7, 448, 30
bmpRegion =
text = Set Player Skill Requirements And Enemy AI To Their Highest Levels
tip = RadioCustomGameTip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 452, 7, 521, 30
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 452, 7, 521, 30
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 452, 7, 521, 30
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_Main.bmp, 452, 7, 521, 30
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainChecked.bmp, 452, 7, 521, 30
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 452, 7, 521, 30
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/Gameplay/Gameplay_MainDisable.bmp, 452, 7, 521, 30
bmpRegion =
text = Choose To Set Individual Gameplay Settings Yourself
;///////////// G A M E P L A Y - P L A Y E R S K I L S ///
bmp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp
;/// P L A Y E R S K I L L S C H E C K B O X E S
tip = NoBlackoutsTip
rect = 16, 33, 122, 49
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 33, 122, 49
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 33, 122, 49
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 33, 122, 49
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 33, 122, 49
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 33, 122, 49
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 33, 122, 49
bmpRegion =
text = Screen Does Not Turn Red Or Black When You Exceed G-Levels, Or G-Force Readings
tip = EasyLandingTip
rect = 16, 75, 119, 91
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 75, 119, 91
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 75, 119, 91
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 75, 119, 91
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 75, 119, 91
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 75, 119, 91
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 75, 119, 91
bmpRegion =
text = Easier Landing
tip = EasyAimingTip
rect = 16, 117, 109, 133
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 117, 109, 133
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 117, 109, 133
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 117, 109, 133
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 117, 109, 133
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 117, 109, 133
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 117, 109, 133
bmpRegion =
text = Enlarge The Air To Air Missile Envelope
tip = EasyTargetingTip
rect = 16, 159, 131, 174
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 159, 131, 174
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 159, 131, 174
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 159, 131, 174
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 159, 131, 174
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 159, 131, 174
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 159, 131, 174
bmpRegion =
text = Remain Locked On A Taget Even Of It Goes Out Of View
tip = BasicFlightTip
rect = 16, 201, 159, 217
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 201, 159, 217
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 201, 159, 217
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_Main.bmp, 16, 201, 159, 217
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 201, 159, 217
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 201, 159, 217
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplaySkills_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 201, 159, 217
bmpRegion =
text = Switch To Easier Flight Model
;///////////// G A M E P L A Y - E N E M Y L E V E L ///
bmp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_Main.bmp
;/// E N E M Y L E V E L R A D I O B U T T O N S
tip = RookieAITip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 16, 34, 94, 48
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_Main.bmp, 16, 34, 94, 48
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 34, 94, 48
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_Main.bmp, 16, 34, 94, 48
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 34, 94, 48
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 34, 94, 48
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 34, 94, 48
bmpRegion =
text = Set Enemy AI To Its Lowest Level
tip = NormalAITip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 16, 76, 98, 90
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_Main.bmp, 16, 76, 98, 90
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 76, 98, 90
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_Main.bmp, 16, 76, 98, 90
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 76, 98, 90
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 76, 98, 90
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 76, 98, 90
bmpRegion =
text = Check To Set Enemy AI To An Average Level
tip = ExpertAITip
style = radio
groupId = 1
rect = 16, 118, 94, 131
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_Main.bmp, 16, 118, 94, 131
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 118, 94, 131
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_Main.bmp, 16, 118, 94, 131
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 118, 94, 131
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 118, 94, 131
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayLevels_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 118, 94, 131
bmpRegion =
text = Set Enemy AI to Its Highest Level
;///////////// G A M E P L A Y - C H E A T S ///
bmp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp
;/// C H E A T S C H E C K B O X E S
tip = InvulnerableTip
rect = 16, 33, 121, 47
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 33, 121, 47
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 33, 121, 47
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 33, 121, 47
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 33, 121, 47
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 33, 121, 47
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 33, 121, 47
bmpRegion =
text = You Cannot Be Killed
tip = NoCrashesTip
rect = 16, 75, 106, 89
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 75, 106, 89
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 75, 106, 89
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 75, 106, 89
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 75, 106, 89
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 75, 106, 89
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 75, 106, 89
bmpRegion =
text = You Cannot Collide With Anything
tip = NoMalfunctionsTip
rect = 16, 117, 138, 131
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 117, 138, 131
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 117, 138, 131
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 117, 138, 131
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 117, 138, 131
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 117, 138, 131
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 117, 138, 131
bmpRegion =
text = Aircraft Will Not Receive Random System Malfunctions
tip = UnlimitedAmmoTip
rect = 16, 159, 133, 173
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 159, 133, 173
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 159, 133, 173
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 159, 133, 173
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/graphics/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 159, 133, 173
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 159, 133, 173
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 159, 133, 173
bmpRegion =
text = You Never Run Out Of Ammunition
tip = UnlimitedFuelTip
rect = 16, 201, 132, 215
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 201, 132, 215
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 201, 132, 215
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 201, 132, 215
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 201, 132, 215
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 201, 132, 215
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 201, 132, 215
bmpRegion =
text = Your AircraftÆs Fuel Supply Never Runs Out
tip = CheatRadarTip
rect = 16, 243, 161, 257
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 243, 161, 257
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 243, 161, 257
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_Main.bmp, 16, 243, 161, 257
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 243, 161, 257
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 243, 161, 257
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayCheats_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 243, 161, 257
bmpRegion =
text = Adds The Cheat Mode To The A/A And A/G Radar
;///////////// G A M E P L A Y - O T H E R S ///
bmp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp
tip = FullWaypointsTip
rect =
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 33, 238, 47
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 33, 238, 47
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 33, 238, 47
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 33, 238, 47
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 33, 238, 47
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 33, 238, 47
bmpRegion =
text = A WaypointÆs Name Displays Next To Its Icon On The HUD
tip = ObjectNameTip
rect = 16, 33, 163, 48
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 33, 163, 48
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 33, 163, 48
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 33, 163, 48
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 33, 163, 48
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 33, 163, 48
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 33, 163, 48
bmpRegion =
text = Type Of A Targeted Object Displays Beneath The Td Box
tip = MenuToolTip
rect = 16, 75, 130, 90
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 75, 130, 90
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 75, 130, 90
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 75, 130, 90
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 75, 130, 90
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 75, 130, 90
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 75, 130, 90
bmpRegion =
text = Small Pop-Up Definitions Appear When You Move The Mouse Over An Interactive Screen Element
tip = ReallisticHeadTip
rect = 16, 117, 282, 132
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 117, 282, 132
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 117, 282, 132
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 117, 282, 132
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 117, 282, 132
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 117, 282, 132
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 117, 282, 132
bmpRegion =
text = Pan The 3d Cockpit View (The [F2] View) As Far As You Can Turn Your Head
tip = EnableSpeechTip
rect = 16, 159, 213, 174
style = check
bmpUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 159, 213, 174
bmpDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 159, 213, 174
bmpHiliUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_Main.bmp, 16, 159, 213, 174
bmpHiliDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainChecked.bmp, 16, 159, 213, 174
bmpDisUp = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 159, 213, 174
bmpDisDown = /bmp/Pref/gameplay/PrefGameplayOthers_MainDisable.bmp, 16, 159, 213, 174
bmpRegion =
text = Check To Enable Speech Recognition
;////////////////// B O T T O M O F D A T A //////////////////////////////////